Black Type Race

John Battaglia Memorial S. - L, $0, TP,

03/05/00, , 1 1/16m, 1:45.32, FT
Margins: 2, 2, 2 Odds: 2.2, 4.8, 2
1-- Nature, 112, m, 2025, by Valiant Nature
1st Dam: Capelet by Bolero
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Monroe Joyce & Roy K
B: Winsong Farms
T: McPeek Kenneth G
J: Thompson T J
$62,600 Lifetime: 9-3-0-1, $114,270
2-- Valiant Style, 113, h, 28, by Valiant Nature
1st Dam: Saratoga Style by Conquistador Cielo
2nd Dam: Saratoga Fleet by Sir Gaylord
3rd Dam: Blue Canoe by Quiet American
O: McKee Stables
B: Sandy Lynn Price
T: Fox William I
J: Torres F C
$16,000 Lifetime: 13-2-3-2, $93,737
3-- Soldiers Fortune, 110, g, 2025, by Lord At War (Arg)
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Merdonmar Stable
B: Ralph Pappert & Bill Eggers
T: Reinstedler Anthony
J: Peck B D
$10,000 Lifetime: 3-1-0-2, $32,200

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