Black Type Race

Ben Cohen S. - L, $0, PIM,

04/29/00, , 5f, 0:57.55, FT
Margins: no, 2, 3 3/4 Odds: 1.1, 1.8, 22.6
1st Dam: Great Escape by Relaunch
2nd Dam: Great Finesse by Bold Bidder
3rd Dam: Her Delight by
O: Newby Steven T
B: Mr. & Mrs. C. W. McNeely III
T: Capuano Dale
J: Dunkelberger T L
$30,000 Lifetime: 12-6-2-1, $161,671
2-- Minister Of Decorm, 117, c, 2025, by The Prime Minister
1st Dam: Lady Of Decorum by
2nd Dam: Finest Colleen by
3rd Dam: Filatonga by
O: John V Alecci Stable
B: Green Willow Farms
T: Alecci John V
J: Wilson R
$10,000 Lifetime: 23-5-7-1, $140,720
3-- Devereux, 115, g, 20, by Forestry
1st Dam: Born Perfect by Mr. Prospector
2nd Dam: Molly Girl by Seattle Slew
3rd Dam: Alydar's Promise by Alydar
O: Yellow Star Stable
B: Ric-Deg Farm
T: Shea Timothy H
J: Douglas F G
$5,500 Lifetime: 65-12-9-11, $179,057

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