Black Type Race

Bonnie Miss S. - G2, $0, GP,

03/16/00, , 1 1/16m, 1:44.11, FT
Margins: nk, hd, 14 3/4 Odds: 0.4, 2.7, 8.8
1-- Cash Run, 119, m, 2025, by Seeking the Gold
1st Dam: Shared Interest by Pleasant Colony
2nd Dam: Surgery by Dr. Fager
3rd Dam: Bold Sequence by
O: Padua Stables
B: Robert S. Evans
T: Lukas D Wayne
J: Bailey J D
$120,000 Lifetime: 9-5-1-1, $839,712
2-- Deed I Do, 114, m, 2025, by Alydeed
1st Dam: Shepherd's Moon by Silver Hawk
2nd Dam: Look North by Northern Dancer
3rd Dam: Passing Look by Buckpasser
O: Inniscarra Stable
B: William Lussky
T: Serpe Philip M
J: Smith M E
$40,000 Lifetime: 5-3-2-0, $126,720
3-- Bejoyfulandrejoyce, 114, h, 2025, by Dynaformer
1st Dam: Cynthias Whistle by Whistling Kettle
2nd Dam: Joyful Sis by Be Joyful
3rd Dam: Sis Bolo by
O: Rolling Hills Farm
B: Rolling Hills Farm
T: Bond Harold James
J: Chavez J F
$22,000 Lifetime: 5-2-1-1, $100,420

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