Black Type Race

Pr Perth - G3, €42,617, STC,

11/04/00, , 7f, 1:49.50, T, SF
Margins: 1/2, 3/4, 3/4 Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Jim And Tonic (Fr), 126, c, 2025, by Double Bed (Fr)
1st Dam: Jimka (Fr) by Jim French
2nd Dam: Kastueuse (Fr) by Kashmir II (Ire)
3rd Dam: Vertueuse (Fr) by
B: Green Ireland Properties Ltd.
T: Doumen F
J: Mosse G
$29,062 Lifetime: 26-11-7-3, $602,371
2-- Memory Maker (Ire), 123, c, 2025, by Lure
1st Dam: Moonlight Dance by Alysheba
2nd Dam: Madelia (Fr) by Caro (Ire)
3rd Dam: Moonmadness by
T: Fabre Andre
J: Soumillon C
$10,568 Lifetime: 4-1-1-0, $27,976
3-- Princess Carla, 122, f, 2025, by Caerleon
1st Dam: Dellagrazia by Trempolino
2nd Dam: Autocratic (Ire) by Tyrant
3rd Dam: Flight Table by Round Table
B: Premier Bloodstock
T: Gibson R
J: Sanchez F
$5,284 Lifetime: 27-6-4-7, $1,135,356

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