Black Type Race

Travers S. - G1, $0, SAR,

08/26/00, 3yo, 1 1/4m, 2:2.59.
Margins: HD,6HF,2 3/4 Odds: 3.45,7.90,9.20
1-- Unshaded, 126, g, 28, by Unbridled
1st Dam: Shade The Flame by Caucasus
2nd Dam: Shadycroft Gal by Bupers
3rd Dam: Pussy Toes by Citation
O: Jim Tafel LLC
B: Shawnna Sorenson
T: Carl A. Nafzger
J: Shane J. Sellers
$600,000 Lifetime: 20-6-3-3,$1,318,492
2-- Albert the Great, 126, h, 28, by Go For Gin
1st Dam: Bright Feather by Fappiano
2nd Dam: In My Cap by Vice Regent
3rd Dam: Passing Look by Buckpasser
O: Tracy Farmer
B: Albert Clay
T: Nicholas P. Zito
J: Jorge F. Chavez
$200,000 Lifetime: 22-8-6-4,$3,012,490
3-- Commendable, 126, h, 28, by Gone West
1st Dam: Bought Twice by In Reality
2nd Dam: Killaloe by Dr. Fager
3rd Dam: Grand Splendor by Correlation
O: Lewis, Robert B. and Beverly J.
B: Edward J. Kelly Jr., Gregory W. Kelly & Michael M. Kelly
T: D. Wayne Lukas
J: Pat Day
$110,000 Lifetime: 12-2-1-1,$907,470

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