Black Type Race

Border Cup S. (R) $23,755, FE,

07/23/00, , 1 1/16m, 1:44.81, T, TF
Margins: 1 3/4, 2 3/4, 3/4 Odds: 8.4, 3.4, 11.5
1-- Perfectlydelicious, 117, f, 2025, by Bold Ruckus
1st Dam: Precisely Perfect by
2nd Dam: Marian Bender by
3rd Dam: Appealable by
O: September 36 Stables
B: Michael Seltzer
T: Concessi Armand
J: McAleney J S
$21,540 Lifetime: 18-3-4-2, $73,609
2-- Just Elated, 115, h, 2025, by Bold Ruckus
1st Dam: Elated Gal by Soy Numero Uno
2nd Dam: Regent Gal by Vice Regent
3rd Dam: Elated's Pal by
O: Ronald June
B: Ronald June E. Mrs.
T: Williams Robert L
J: Griffith C B
$7,180 Lifetime: 30-3-2-2, $83,346
3-- Carey's Revenge, 119, f, 2025, by Great Gladiator
1st Dam: Strikess by
2nd Dam: Striking by
3rd Dam: Disastrous by
O: Parkin Gary W
B: Steve's Welding & Sandblasting
T: Parkin Gary W
J: Villeneuve F A
$3,590 Lifetime: 28-3-5-7, $37,825

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