Black Type Race

Deutsches St. Leger - G2, €81,470, DOR,

10/01/00, , 1 5/8m, 3:19.29, T, SF
Margins: 4, 1, no Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Moonlady (Ger), 124, m, 2025, by Platini (Ger)
1st Dam: Midnight Fever (Ire) by Sure Blade
2nd Dam: Majoritat (Ger) by Konigsstuhl (Ger)
3rd Dam: Monacchia (Ger) by Bacchus
B: Stillger Dr H
$54,072 Lifetime: 7-5-1-1, $148,521
2-- Aeskulap (Ger), 128, h, 28, by Acatenango (Ger)
1st Dam: Aerope (GB) by Celestial Storm
2nd Dam: County Line (GB) by
3rd Dam: Caraquenga by
$21,629 Lifetime: 6-3-2-0, $69,330
3-- Shuwaib (GB), 128, c, 2025, by Polish Precedent
1st Dam: Ajab Alzamaan (GB) by Rainbow Quest
2nd Dam: Alwathba by Lyphard
3rd Dam: D'Arqueangel by Raise a Native
$10,814 Lifetime: 5-2-0-2, $43,651

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