Black Type Race

Philip H. Iselin Handicap - G2, $0, MTH,

08/27/00, , 1 1/8m, 1:48.42, FT
Margins: 9, 1 1/4, 1/2 Odds: 10.4, 0.8, 3.2
1-- Rize, 112, h, 2025, by Theatrical (Ire)
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Runnin Horse Farm Inc
B: Allen E. Paulson
T: Pointer Norman R
J: Ferrer J C
$210,000 Lifetime: 16-6-4-0, $336,670
2-- Sir Bear, 118, g, 2025, by Sir Leon
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Smollin Barbara
B: Smollin A. L.
T: Ziadie Ralph
J: Coa E M
$70,000 Lifetime: 54-17-10-10, $2,052,159
3-- Talk's Cheap, 114, h, 15, by Corporate Report
1st Dam: Our Friend Hidayet by
2nd Dam: Seraglio by Mass Media
3rd Dam: Suite Sixty by
O: Team Canonie Stable & Quadracci H V
B: Dreabon Copeland
T: Rice Linda
J: Luzzi M J
$35,000 Lifetime: 14-6-3-2, $421,228

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