Black Type Race

Forward Gal S. - G3, $0, GP,

01/30/00, , 7f, 1:22.25, FT
Margins: nk, 3 1/2, 1/2 Odds: 91.5, 0.7, 4.9
1-- Miss Inquistive, 114, f, 2025, by Kipper Kelly
1st Dam: Striking Belle by
2nd Dam: Native Kas by
3rd Dam: Georgia Native by
O: Colebrook Farms
B: Gail C. Wright
T: Passero Frank A Jr
J: Turner T G
$45,000 Lifetime: 6-3-0-2, $100,470
2-- Swept Away, 118, m, 2025, by Mystery Storm
1st Dam: Queen Ambra by Alhambra
2nd Dam: King's Quote by Bold Monarch
3rd Dam: Saygosh by
O: Klein Richard Bertram & Elaine
B: Hart Farm, Inc.
T: Flint Bernard S
J: Day P
$15,000 Lifetime: 4-3-1-0, $95,320
3-- Regally Appealing, 118, m, 2025, by Valid Appeal
1st Dam: Regal Pennant by Banner Bob
2nd Dam: Regal Relation by Kamaraan II
3rd Dam: Regal Tad by
O: Heiligbrodt Racing Stable
B: Harry T. Mangurian, Jr.
T: Kimmel John C
J: Migliore R
$8,250 Lifetime: 7-3-1-2, $269,895

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