Black Type Race

Autumn Handicap - G3, $97,785, WO,

11/05/00, , 1 1/16m, 1:43.59, FT
Margins: hd, 5 1/2, 6 1/4 Odds: 0.5, 3.1, 3.15
Also Ran: Nova Sin,
1-- One Way Love, 126, h, 30, by Regal Classic
1st Dam: First Class Gal by Geiger Counter
2nd Dam: Postage Stamp by Ack Ack
3rd Dam: Mail Box by Francis S.
O: Schickedanz Bruno & Hillier John
B: James E. Day
T: Katryan Abraham R
J: Husbands P
$102,344 Lifetime: 41-15-6-6, $962,517
2-- A Fleets Dancer, 116, h, 30, by Afleet
1st Dam: My Dream Come True by Vice Regent
2nd Dam: Tete de Linotte by Turn-to
3rd Dam: Pink Nightie by Giant's Causeway
O: Allard Cam
B: O. W. D. - Inc.
T: Attfield Roger
J: Landry R C
$32,490 Lifetime: 25-8-1-4, $438,512
3-- Tiltam, 114, h, 28, by Tammany
1st Dam: Chessylite by Nostrum
2nd Dam: Fast Pitch by
3rd Dam: Fleet Run by Northern Dancer
O: Santana Farm
B: Lucy De Yarhi
T: Lyons Arnold
J: Villeneuve F A
$17,869 Lifetime: 9-4-2-1, $156,777

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