Black Type Race

Prix D'Harcourt - G2, €66,084, LCP,

04/02/00, , 1 1/8m, 2:13.90, T, YL
Margins: 1, 1, 2 Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Indian Danehill (Ire), 124, h, 29, by Danehill
1st Dam: Danse Indienne by Green Dancer
2nd Dam: Apachee (Fr) by Sir Gaylord
3rd Dam: Americaine (GB) by
T: Fabre Andre
J: Peslier O
$43,860 Lifetime: 8-3-1-1, $113,609
2-- Chelsea Manor (GB), 124, h, 29, by Grand Lodge
1st Dam: Docklands by Theatrical (Ire)
2nd Dam: Dockage by Riverman
3rd Dam: Golden Alibi by Empery
T: Bary P
J: Thulliez T
$17,544 Lifetime: 10-3-3-0, $92,241
3-- Barbola, 124, c, 2025, by Diesis (GB)
1st Dam: Barboukh (GB) by Night Shift
2nd Dam: Turban (GB) by Glint of Gold (GB)
3rd Dam: Cockade (GB) by Derring-Do (GB)
B: Stowell Hill Ltd. & Whitsbury Manor Stud
T: Roualle J
J: Mosse G
$8,772 Lifetime: 12-2-3-5, $149,588

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