Black Type Race

Nassau County S. - G2, $0, BEL,

05/10/00, , 7f, 1:23.46, FT
Margins: hd, 3/4, 2 1/4 Odds: 10.2, 1.15, 5.7
1-- C'Est L' Amour, 115, m, 2025, by Thunder Gulch
1st Dam: L'Amour Toujours by Blushing Groom (Fr)
2nd Dam: Paint The Town by Hadif
3rd Dam: Dancing Cutie by
O: Lael Stables
B: Keswick Stables
T: Johnson Philip G
J: Prado E S
$90,000 Lifetime: 10-4-3-0, $207,137
2-- Tugger, 114, m, 2025, by Twining
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Anstu Stables
B: Dr. Dan White
T: Pletcher Todd A
J: Smith M E
$30,000 Lifetime: 3-1-2-0, $61,800
3-- Miss Inquistive, 119, f, 2025, by Kipper Kelly
1st Dam: Striking Belle by
2nd Dam: Native Kas by
3rd Dam: Georgia Native by
O: Brnjas John
B: Gail C. Wright
T: Bowden Thomas R
J: Chavez J F
$16,500 Lifetime: 10-4-1-3, $208,489

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