Black Type Race

Rashit Shaykhutdinov Cup - G3, €55,001, DOR,

11/20/10, , 1m418y, 2:18.39, T, SF
Margins: 1 1/4, 1 1/4, 2 Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Elle Shadow (Ire), 122, f, 2025, by Shamardal
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
T: Schiergen P
J: Starke A
$43,699 Lifetime: 9-4-3-1, $278,400
2-- Keep Cool (GB), 121, c, 2025, by Starcraft (Nz)
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
T: Lowe A
J: Minarik F
$15,022 Lifetime: 10-1-2-1, $55,973
3-- Sun Society (Ger), 121, f, 2025, by Law Society
1st Dam: Sintra (Ger) by Konigsstuhl (Ger)
2nd Dam: Shantou (Ger) by
3rd Dam: Shura (Ger) by
T: Trybuhl M
J: Best A
$7,511 Lifetime: 22-4-1-3, $35,934

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