Black Type Race

Pr De La Grotte - G3, €80,000, LCP,

04/24/11, , 1m, 1:43.62, T, TF
Margins: 1 1/2, snk, 1 1/2 Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Golden Lilac (Ire), 126, h, 2025, by Galileo (Ire)
1st Dam: Grey Lilas (Ire) by Danehill
2nd Dam: Kenmist (GB) by Kenmare (Fr)
3rd Dam: Mistral's Collette (Ire) by
T: Fabre Andre
J: Guyon M
$58,188 Lifetime: 3-3-0-0, $96,628
2-- Mixed Intention (Ire), 126, f, 2025, by Elusive City
1st Dam: Chiosina (Ire) by Danehill Dancer (Ire)
2nd Dam: Alarme Belle (GB) by Warning (GB)
3rd Dam: Dazzlingly Radiant (GB) by Try My Best
T: Vermeulen F
J: Ruis S
$23,275 Lifetime: 6-2-1-1, $91,161
3-- Whip and Win (Fr), 126, f, 2025, by Whipper
1st Dam: Queensalsa (Fr) by Kingsalsa
2nd Dam: Gandelia (Fr) by Ganges
3rd Dam: Nadelia (Fr) by Nadjar (Fr)
T: Collet R
J: Benoist G
$17,456 Lifetime: 9-3-1-2, $125,867

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