Black Type Race

Pr Corrida - G2, €130,000, STC,

05/23/11, , 1m528y, 2:10.50, T, SF
Margins: 2, 1 1/2, 2 1/2 Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Sarafina (Fr), 128, m, 18, by Refuse To Bend (Ire)
1st Dam: Sanariya (Ire) by Darshaan (GB)
2nd Dam: Sanamia (Ire) by Top Ville (Ire)
3rd Dam: Santalina (GB) by
T: De Royer-Dupre A
J: Lemaire C-P
$104,866 Lifetime: 7-4-1-2, $1,637,238
2-- Announce (GB), 123, m, 18, by Selkirk
1st Dam: Hachita by Gone West
2nd Dam: Choice Spirit by Danzig
3rd Dam: Zaizafon by The Minstrel
T: Fabre Andre
J: Guyon M
$40,475 Lifetime: 6-4-1-0, $200,500
3-- One Clever Cat (Ire), 121, f, 19, by One Cool Cat
1st Dam: Burn Baby Burn (Ire) by King's Theatre (Ire)
2nd Dam: Tropicaro (Fr) by Caro (Ire)
3rd Dam: Tropical Cream by Creme Dela Creme
T: Clout T
J: Prat F
$19,317 Lifetime: 21-3-4-4, $198,857

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