Black Type Race

Pr Du Palais - G3, €79,999, LCP,

06/04/11, , 7f, 1:19.20, T, TF
Margins: 1 1/2, 1, shd Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Sahpresa, 132, h, 2025, by Sahm
1st Dam: Sorpresa by Pleasant Tap
2nd Dam: Dubiously by Jolie Jo
3rd Dam: Skeptic Lady by Olden Times
B: Douglas McIntyre
T: Collet Rod
J: Benoist G
$58,528 Lifetime: 15-7-2-2, $1,089,763
1st Dam: Ventura (Ire) by Spectrum (Ire)
2nd Dam: Wedding Bouquet (Ire) by Kings Lake
3rd Dam: Doff the Derby by Master Derby
T: Head F
J: Bonilla D
$23,411 Lifetime: 6-3-1-0, $145,198
3-- Evaporation (Fr), 126, m, 18, by Red Ransom
1st Dam: Polygreen (Fr) by Green Tune
2nd Dam: Yxenery (Ire) by Sillery
3rd Dam: Polyxena by Lyphard
T: Laffon-Parias C
J: Peslier O
$17,558 Lifetime: 12-4-1-4, $164,666

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