Black Type Race

Yorkshire Oaks - G1, £304,948, YRK,

08/18/11, , 1 1/2m, 2:35.34, T, SF
Margins: 3/4, 3 3/4, 2 Odds: 2.75, 4.5, 8
1-- Blue Bunting, 123, m, 17, by Dynaformer
1st Dam: Miarixa (Fr) by Linamix (Fr)
2nd Dam: Mrs Arkada (Fr) by Akarad (Fr)
3rd Dam: Mrs Annie (Fr) by Bolkonski (Ire)
O: Godolphin
B: B M Kelley
T: Al Zarooni Mahmood
J: Dettori L
$291,232 Lifetime: 7-5-1-0, $1,055,469
2-- Vita Nova (Ire), 133, f, 2025, by Galileo (Ire)
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: He Sheikh Sultan Bin Khalifa Al Nahyan
T: Cecil Sir Henry
J: Queally T P
$110,412 Lifetime: 6-3-3-0, $171,228
3-- Wonder of Wonders, 123, f, 2025, by Kingmambo
1st Dam: All Too Beautiful (Ire) by Sadler's Wells
2nd Dam: Urban Sea by Miswaki
3rd Dam: Allegretta (GB) by Lombard (Ger)
O: Mr M Tabor; D Smith & Mrs John Magni
B: Liberty Bloodstock
T: O'Brien A P
J: Heffernan J A
$55,258 Lifetime: 7-2-2-2, $268,187

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