Black Type Race

Pr Du Prince D'Orange - G3, €79,998, LCP,

09/17/11, , 1m418y, 2:06.70, T, TF
Margins: 1, no, shd Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Casamento (Ire), 128, h, 17, by Shamardal
1st Dam: Wedding Gift (Fr) by Always Fair
2nd Dam: Such Style (GB) by Sassafras (Fr)
3rd Dam: Regal Lady (Fr) by
T: Al Zarooni Mahmood
J: Barzalona M
$55,144 Lifetime: 7-4-1-0, $384,016
2-- Barocci (Jpn), 128, h, 17, by Deep Impact (Jpn)
1st Dam: Bastet (Ire) by Giant's Causeway
2nd Dam: Benediction (Ire) by Day Is Done (Ire)
3rd Dam: Cathedra (GB) by
T: Lellouche Elie
J: Soumillon C
$22,058 Lifetime: 7-1-2-0, $84,969
1st Dam: Lumiere Rouge (Fr) by Indian Ridge (Ire)
2nd Dam: Lumen Dei by Raise a Native
3rd Dam: Light Of Realm (Ire) by Realm (GB)
T: Bary P
J: Pasquier S
$16,543 Lifetime: 4-3-0-1, $98,094

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