Black Type Race

Gran Criterium - G1, €243,000, MLA,

10/09/11, , 1m, 1:35.70, T, TF
Margins: 1/2, nk, 2 3/4 Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Nayarra (Ire), 120, m, 16, by Cape Cross (Ire)
1st Dam: Massarra (GB) by Danehill
2nd Dam: Rafha (GB) by Kris (GB)
3rd Dam: Eljazzi (Ire) by Artaius
T: Channon Mick
J: Dwyer M
$180,563 Lifetime: 9-1-4-2, $200,624
2-- Rosa Eglanteria (GB), 120, m, 16, by Nayef
1st Dam: Rose Shift (Ire) by Night Shift
2nd Dam: Santa Rosa (Ire) by Lahib
3rd Dam: Bequeath by Lyphard
T: Grizzetti B
J: Demuro M
$79,448 Lifetime: 6-3-3-0, $178,705
3-- Vedelago (Ire), 123, h, 2025, by Red Clubs (Ire)
1st Dam: Queen Shy (GB) by Marju (Ire)
2nd Dam: Shyoushka (Ire) by
3rd Dam: Capsville by
T: Polito L
J: Esposito M
$43,335 Lifetime: 5-4-0-1, $168,854

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