Black Type Race

Middle Park S. - G1, $160,838, NKT,

10/08/11, , 6f, 1:10.75, T, TF
Margins: 3/4, hd, hd Odds: 25, 8, 9
1-- Crusade, 124, h, 16, by Mr. Greeley
1st Dam: La Traviata by Johannesburg
2nd Dam: Piedras Negras by Unbridled
3rd Dam: Provisions by Devil's Bag
O: Mr M Tabor; D Smith & Mrs John Magni
T: O'Brien A P
J: Heffernan J A
$144,357 Lifetime: 4-2-0-0, $164,112
1st Dam: Sogno Verde (Ire) by Green Desert
2nd Dam: Gothic Dream (Ire) by Nashwan
3rd Dam: Dark Lomond (Ire) by Lomond
O: Mr Andrew Russell
T: Hannon Richard
J: Hughes R
$54,730 Lifetime: 8-3-3-0, $266,658
3-- Reply (Ire), 124, h, 16, by Oasis Dream (GB)
1st Dam: Cap Coz (Ire) by Indian Ridge (Ire)
2nd Dam: Pont Aven (Ire) by Try My Best
3rd Dam: Basilea (Fr) by Frere Basile (Fr)
O: Mrs Magnier/Tabor/Smith/Mordukhovitch
T: O'Brien A P
J: Moore R L
$27,391 Lifetime: 6-2-0-2, $383,992

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