Black Type Race

Pr Parioli - G3, €0, ROM,

04/29/12, , 1m, 1:38.50, T, TF
Margins: shd, 2 1/4, nk Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Malossol, 128, h, 16, by Rahy
1st Dam: Mambo Queen by Kingmambo
2nd Dam: Double Wow by With Approval
3rd Dam: Triple Wow by Coastal
T: Botti G
J: Branca F
$66,260 Lifetime: 6-2-3-1, $123,442
2-- Vedelago (Ire), 128, h, 2025, by Red Clubs (Ire)
1st Dam: Queen Shy (GB) by Marju (Ire)
2nd Dam: Shyoushka (Ire) by
3rd Dam: Capsville by
T: Polito L
J: Demuro M
$29,154 Lifetime: 8-6-1-1, $227,044
3-- Farraaj (Ire), 128, h, 16, by Dubai Destination
1st Dam: Pastorale (GB) by Nureyev
2nd Dam: Park Appeal (Ire) by Ahonoora (GB)
3rd Dam: Balidaress (Ire) by Balidar (GB)
B: Darley
T: Varian Roger
J: Callan N
$15,902 Lifetime: 6-2-2-2, $138,759

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