Black Type Race

Churchill Downs S. - G2, $0, CD,

05/05/12, , 7f, 1:21.06, FT
Margins: 1, 5, 3/4 Odds: 1.8, 2.1, 12.1
1-- Shackleford, 118, h, 17, by Forestry
1st Dam: Oatsee by Unbridled
2nd Dam: With Every Wish by Lear Fan
3rd Dam: Amo by Hold Your Peace
O: Lauffer Michael & Cubbedge Wd
B: Mike Lauffer & Bill Cubbedge
T: Romans Dale
J: Castanon J L
$265,578 Lifetime: 15-4-4-1, $2,291,381
2-- Amazombie, 123, g, 19, by Northern Afleet
1st Dam: Wilshe Amaze by In Excess (Ire)
2nd Dam: Flom by Floriano
3rd Dam: Delaware Squaw by Delaware Chief
O: Sanford Thomas C & Spawr William
B: Anderson Gregg
T: Spawr William
J: Smith M E
$85,670 Lifetime: 26-11-5-6, $1,725,378
3-- Gantry, 118, g, 18, by Pulpit
1st Dam: Rhum by Go For Gin
2nd Dam: Merion Miss by Halo
3rd Dam: Curlew by Storm Bird
O: Brittlyn Stable Inc
B: D. J. Stable, LLC
T: Faucheux Ron
J: Eramia Richard E
$42,835 Lifetime: 12-6-0-3, $327,685

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