Black Type Race

Greenlands S. - G3, €0, CGH,

05/26/12, , 6f, 1:11.87, T, TF
Margins: 1/2, hd, nk Odds: 8, 10, 16
1-- Tiddliwinks (GB), 140, h, 2025, by Piccolo (GB)
1st Dam: Card Games (GB) by First Trump (GB)
2nd Dam: Pericardia (GB) by Petong (GB)
3rd Dam: Greensward Blaze (GB) by
O: Guy Reed
T: Ryan Kevin
J: Smullen P J
$50,863 Lifetime: 29-8-2-2, $250,217
2-- Jimmy Styles (GB), 135, c, 2025, by Inchinor (GB)
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Gwyn Powell And Peter Ridgers
T: Cox Clive
J: Hughes R
$14,868 Lifetime: 44-6-5-4, $318,516
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Sean Jones
T: Lyons G M
J: Murtagh J P
$7,043 Lifetime: 26-3-7-8, $143,502

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