Black Type Race

Victoria Park S. - L, $0, WO,

06/10/12, , 1 1/8m, 1:51.08, A, FT
Margins: 1 3/4, 9 1/2, 6 3/4 Odds: 0.45, 5.05, 12.5
Also Ran: Holiday Promise,
1-- Prospective, 121, h, 16, by Malibu Moon
1st Dam: Spirited Away by Awesome Again
2nd Dam: Carnauba by Noholme II
3rd Dam: Carnival Queen by Amerigo
O: Oxley John C
B: Spendthrift Farm LLC
T: Casse Mark
J: Contreras Luis
$92,043 Lifetime: 10-5-2-0, $535,235
2-- Patrioticandproud, 117, g, 16, by Proud Citizen
1st Dam: Luvina by Forest Wildcat
2nd Dam: Frippalina by Theatrical (Ire)
3rd Dam: Dancing Tricia by Ziad
O: Eclipse Thoroughbred Partners & Bar
B: Michael W Jester
T: Casse Mark
J: Da Silva Eurico
$29,220 Lifetime: 10-1-5-1, $119,169
3-- Courtville, 117, g, 16, by Saffir
1st Dam: Signs Of Glory by Southern Halo
2nd Dam: Kapalana by Cure the Blues
3rd Dam: Bastonera 2nd by
O: Silvera Laurie
B: Larry Edwards & Rosalie Edwards
T: Silvera Laurie
J: Moreno Omar
$19,285 Lifetime: 7-2-1-1, $111,737

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