Black Type Race

Lancashire Oaks - G2, £0, HAY,

07/07/12, , 1m858y, 2:32.30, T, SF
Margins: 5, 1 1/4, 1/2 Odds: 2.75, 7, 3
1-- Great Heavens (GB), 118, h, 2025, by Galileo (Ire)
1st Dam: Magnificient Style by Silver Hawk
2nd Dam: Mia Karina by Jazil
3rd Dam: Tabadabado by Gilded Time
O: Lady Rothschild
T: Gosden John
J: Havlin R
$70,225 Lifetime: 4-3-0-0, $105,000
1st Dam: Sun on the Sea (Ire) by Bering (GB)
2nd Dam: Shimmer (Fr) by
3rd Dam: Radiance (Fr) by Blakeney (GB)
O: Mr P Winkworth
T: Varian Roger
J: Baker G
$26,624 Lifetime: 13-2-4-0, $109,869
1st Dam: Zarabaya (Ire) by Doyoun (Ire)
2nd Dam: Zarafa (Ire) by Blushing Groom (Fr)
3rd Dam: Zahra (Ire) by Habitat
O: The Queen
T: Bell Michael
J: Spencer J P
$13,324 Lifetime: 13-5-2-3, $150,052

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