Black Type Race

Colin S. - L, $0, WO,

07/14/12, , 6f, 1:11.05, A, FT
Margins: hd, 3/4, 1/2 Odds: 3.3, 22.5, 4.9
1-- Joha, 117, h, 15, by Johar
1st Dam: Mujado by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Bluegrass Equine Bloodstock LLC
B: Bec Bloodstock
T: Maker Michael J
J: Stein Justin
$88,767 Lifetime: 4-2-1-1, $145,767
2-- Triple Cross, 122, g, 15, by Werblin
1st Dam: Scoot On By by Catienus
2nd Dam: On Broadway by Rubiano
3rd Dam: Box Office Gold by Dixieland Band
O: Rice Taylor
B: Gail Rice
T: Rice Wayne W
J: Cox Arienne
$29,589 Lifetime: 3-2-1-0, $77,589
3-- Bear's Furr, 117, h, 15, by Langfuhr
1st Dam: Latte by Pleasant Tap
2nd Dam: Madame Pandit by Wild Again
3rd Dam: Tuesday Evening by Nodouble
O: Bear Stables Ltd
B: Barry Becker & Judith Becker
T: Baker Reade
J: Wilson Emma Jayne
$16,274 Lifetime: 2-1-0-1, $48,942

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