Black Type Race

Seaway S. - G3, $0, WO,

09/01/12, , 7f, 1:24.12, A, FT
Margins: 1, 2 1/2, 1 1/4 Odds: 2.75, 0.45, 7.2
1-- Tu Endie Wei, 115, m, 16, by Johar
1st Dam: Ms. Cornstalk by Indian Charlie
2nd Dam: Upper Dancer by Upper Nile
3rd Dam: Shell Dancer by Court Recess
O: Jones Brereton C
B: Brereton C. Jones
T: Baker Reade
J: McAleney J S
$91,251 Lifetime: 10-5-1-1, $525,478
2-- Roxy Gap, 124, m, 17, by Indian Charlie
1st Dam: Harts Gap by Saint Ballado
2nd Dam: Special Test by Hawkin's Special
3rd Dam: Test Shot by
O: Melnyk Racing Stables Inc
B: Eugene Melnyk
T: Casse Mark
J: Husbands P
$40,556 Lifetime: 14-7-4-2, $844,182
3-- Jenny's So Great, 117, m, 18, by Greatness
1st Dam: Jenny's Search by Lost Soldier
2nd Dam: Supah Jen by Major Moran
3rd Dam: Jenny's Nandy by Great Above
O: Poston Bill & Vicki
B: David Cassidy
T: De Gannes Gregory
J: Contreras Luis
$22,306 Lifetime: 30-7-5-5, $677,218

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