Black Type Race

Park S. - G3, €0, CGH,

09/30/12, , 7f, 1:33.66, T, SF
Margins: 2, 3/4, hd Odds: 3.33, 5.5, 12
1-- Magical Dream (Ire), 126, f, 2025, by Galileo (Ire)
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
T: O'Brien A P
J: O'Brien J P
$45,967 Lifetime: 5-2-0-1, $69,809
2-- Rawaaq (GB), 126, f, 15, by Invincible Spirit (Ire)
1st Dam: Zaqrah by Silver Hawk
2nd Dam: Istiqlal by Diesis (GB)
3rd Dam: Wasnah by Nijinsky II
T: Weld D K
J: Smullen P J
$13,437 Lifetime: 3-1-1-0, $27,849
1st Dam: Sovereign Abbey (Ire) by Royal Academy
2nd Dam: Elabella (Ire) by Ela-Mana-Mou (Ire)
3rd Dam: Annabella (Ire) by
T: Oliver Andrew
J: Foley S
$6,365 Lifetime: 3-0-1-1, $13,510

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