Black Type Race

Champions Sprint S. - G2, £0, ASC,

10/20/12, , 6f, 1:15.99, T, SF
Margins: 3/4, 1 3/4, hd Odds: 5, 25, 12
1-- Maarek (GB), 126, g, 18, by Pivotal (GB)
1st Dam: Ruby Rocket (Ire) by Indian Rocket (GB)
2nd Dam: Geht Schnell (Ire) by
3rd Dam: Anita's Princess (GB) by
T: Nagle D P
J: Spencer J P
$226,968 Lifetime: 24-8-3-1, $481,299
2-- Hawkeyethenoo (Ire), 126, g, 19, by Hawk Wing
1st Dam: Stardance by Rahy
2nd Dam: Danseuse Etoile by Buckpasser
3rd Dam: Arctic Dancer by Nearctic
T: Goldie Jim
J: Lee G
$86,048 Lifetime: 35-8-4-4, $475,321
3-- Sirius Prospect, 126, g, 17, by Gone West
1st Dam: Stella Blue (Fr) by Anabaa
2nd Dam: Libanoor (Fr) by Highest Honor (Fr)
3rd Dam: Baino Bluff (GB) by Be My Guest
B: Brookdale & Dr. Ted Folkerth
T: Ivory Dean
J: Kelly S W
$43,064 Lifetime: 20-6-2-5, $225,783

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