Black Type Race

Pr Perth - G3, €0, STC,

11/01/12, , 1m, 1:50.80, T, SF
Margins: 2, 1 3/4, 1/2 Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Don Bosco (Fr), 130, h, 18, by Barathea (Ire)
1st Dam: Perfidie (Ire) by Monsun (Ger)
2nd Dam: Pelagic (GB) by Rainbow Quest
3rd Dam: Fleet Girl (Ire) by
T: Smaga David
J: Prat F
$51,880 Lifetime: 27-7-4-4, $364,055
2-- Evaporation (Fr), 123, m, 18, by Red Ransom
1st Dam: Polygreen (Fr) by Green Tune
2nd Dam: Yxenery (Ire) by Sillery
3rd Dam: Polyxena by Lyphard
T: Laffon-Parias C
J: Peslier O
$20,752 Lifetime: 22-5-4-8, $343,211
3-- Sarkiyla (Fr), 123, f, 16, by Oasis Dream (GB)
1st Dam: Sarlisa (Fr) by Rainbow Quest
2nd Dam: Sarliya (Ire) by Doyoun (Ire)
3rd Dam: Safita (Ire) by
T: De Royer-Dupre A
J: Hamelin A
$15,564 Lifetime: 7-4-0-2, $145,222

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