Black Type Race

Glorious Song S. - L, $0, WO,

11/11/12, , 7f, 1:23.73, A, FT
Margins: 1, 2 1/2, 4 1/2 Odds: 7, 2.2, 0.65
1-- Leinan, 117, m, 15, by Ready's Image
1st Dam: Golden Mirage (Ire) by Green Desert
2nd Dam: Please Widd (Ire) by Thatching (Ire)
3rd Dam: Gold Piece (Ire) by
O: Sapara James & Alice
B: Robert B Trussell Jr John T L Jones
T: Carroll Josie
J: Contreras Luis
$89,847 Lifetime: 4-2-2-0, $143,773
2-- Goldstryke Glory, 119, m, 15, by Second in Command
1st Dam: Glory Is Forever by Roar
2nd Dam: Pleasant Sandy by Seattle Dancer
3rd Dam: Pleasant Girl by Knightly Manner
O: Holmes Barry
B: Phoenix Rising Farms
T: Jordan Terry
J: Pizarro Tyler
$29,949 Lifetime: 3-1-2-0, $75,684
3-- Mechaya, 118, m, 15, by City Zip
1st Dam: Sago by Valid Expectations
2nd Dam: Tenacious Treasure by Harry 'N Bill
3rd Dam: Jenny's Nandy by Great Above
O: Doublddown Stables Inc
B: James A Everatt Janeane A Everatt &
T: Sadler John W
J: Husbands P
$21,963 Lifetime: 4-1-1-2, $109,963

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