Black Type Race

Blushing K. D. H. - L, $0, FG,

12/22/12, , 1 1/16m, 1:44.12, T, FM
Margins: 6, 10 3/4, 3/4 Odds: 0.2, 5.9, 3.6
1-- Daisy Devine, 124, m, 17, by Kafwain
1st Dam: Devil's Dispute by Devil's Bag
2nd Dam: Impetuous Gal by Briartic
3rd Dam: Impetuous Lady by Hasty Road
O: Miller James M
B: J Reiley McDonald
T: McKeever Andrew
J: Hernandez B J Jr
$45,000 Lifetime: 16-9-2-1, $946,281
2-- Forest Uproar, 116, m, 19, by Forest Wildcat
1st Dam: Split The Arrow by Smart Strike
2nd Dam: Radiant Ring by Halo
3rd Dam: Gleaming Stone by Gleaming
O: Sam-Son Farms
B: Sam-Son Farm
T: Pierce Malcolm
J: Mena M
$15,000 Lifetime: 22-4-3-5, $286,328
3-- Francisca, 117, m, 16, by Mizzen Mast
1st Dam: De Aar by Gone West
2nd Dam: Aletta Maria by Diesis (GB)
3rd Dam: Pharlette (Fr) by Pharly (Fr)
O: Chandler John A
B: Dr. John A. Chandler
T: Stidham Michael
J: Guidry M
$7,500 Lifetime: 10-2-1-3, $81,823

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