Black Type Race

San Carlos S. - G2, $0, SA,

02/23/13, , 7f, 01:21.280, FT
Margins: 3/4, HD, 2 1/4 Odds: 6.3, 5.4, 6.7
1-- Sahara Sky, 123, h, 17, by Pleasant Tap
1st Dam: Seeking the Sky by Storm Cat
2nd Dam: Seeking Regina by Seeking the Gold
3rd Dam: Fulbright Scholar by Cox's Ridge
O: Hollendorfer, Jerry and Sweetwater Stable
B: Martin Stables Inc.
T: Hollendorfer Jerry
J: Talamo Joseph
$120,000 Lifetime: 14-6-2-4, $356,680
2-- Capital Account, 123, h, 18, by Closing Argument
1st Dam: Accountess by Private Account
2nd Dam: Count Pennies by
3rd Dam: Budget Cut by Super Saver
O: Thoroughbred Legends Racing Stable
B: Silverleaf farms inc
T: Baffert Bob
J: Flores D R
$40,000 Lifetime: 14-5-4-3, $455,080
3-- Comma to the Top, 118, h, 17, by Bwana Charlie
1st Dam: Maggies Storm by Stormy Atlantic
2nd Dam: Maggies Pistol by Big Pistol
3rd Dam: Miss Magistrate by Tanthem
O: Barber, Gary, Birnbaum, Roger and Tsujihara, Kevin
B: Richard Thompson & Linda Thompson
T: Miller Peter
J: Maldonado E
$24,000 Lifetime: 27-11-2-2, $1,060,696

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