Black Type Race

Costa Rising S. $0, FG,

03/30/13, , 1 1/16m, 01:44.200, FT
Margins: NO, 1 1/4, NK Odds: 25.8, 1.8, 11.4
1-- Lee's Spirit, 117, g, 20, by Leestown
1st Dam: Spirit Catcher by Dahar
2nd Dam: Surprise Pink (GB) by Sovereign Path (GB)
3rd Dam: Cresset (GB) by
O: Johnston, Edward J., Boudreaux, Scott and Gaudet, Donald
B: J. Adcock
T: Johnston Edward J
J: Bridgmohan S X
$36,000 Lifetime: 53-12-8-9, $610,883
2-- Populist Politics, 121, h, 17, by Don't Get Mad
1st Dam: Cedar Summer by Souvenir Copy
2nd Dam: Low Pressure by Storm Bird
3rd Dam: Don't Touch Lil by Caveat
O: Klaravich Stables, Inc. and Lawrence, William H.
B: B. Wayne Hughes
T: Amoss Thomas M
J: Goncalves Leandro R
$12,000 Lifetime: 24-7-6-5, $491,416
3-- Watch My Smoke, 117, g, 17, by Leestown
1st Dam: Starlight Wishes by Carson City
2nd Dam: Whispered Wishes by With Approval
3rd Dam: Lover's Talk by Vice Regent
O: Adam Pavlovich
B: J. Adcock
T: Faucheux Ron
J: Eramia Richard E
$6,600 Lifetime: 25-5-5-5, $203,250

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