Black Type Race

Isaac Murphy H. $0, AP,

06/08/13, , 6f, 01:10.940, A, FT
Margins: 1 3/4, NK, NK Odds: 3.5, 13.6, 11.9
1-- Kip Berries, 120, m, 19, by Kipling
1st Dam: It's The Berries by Slew the Slewor
2nd Dam: Crackers by Singular
3rd Dam: Jolie Caroline by Jolie Jo
O: Tom Swearingen Racing Stable, Denk, Lo, Carlile, D. and Bockel, R.
B: Center Hills Farm
T: Swearingen Tom H
J: Martinez S B
$49,993 Lifetime: 32-11-5-4, $396,283
2-- Smiling Gambler, 115, m, 17, by Wild Gambler
1st Dam: Dance N' Smile by Chester House
2nd Dam: Smile N' Dance by Gate Dancer
3rd Dam: Smiling Neatly by Neater
O: Nicole Mitchell
B: Gary D. Heien
T: Mitchell Anthony
J: Geroux Florent
$21,664 Lifetime: 9-2-4-1, $98,660
3-- Royal Posh, 118, m, 17, by Posh
1st Dam: Royal Livy by Royal Roberto
2nd Dam: Sig Epp Queen by Leading Scorer
3rd Dam: Laura Bio by Bio Devil
O: Larry Owens
B: Larry Owens
T: Cristel Mark J
J: Sanchez Jeffrey
$11,916 Lifetime: 30-8-3-5, $175,181

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