Black Type Race

Coolmore Fusaichi Pegasus Matron S. - G1, €192,000, LEP,

09/07/13, , 1m, 01:39.000, T, GD
Margins: HF, HD, 3HF Odds: 25, 14, 8
1-- La Collina (Ire), 131, h, 2025, by Strategic Prince (GB)
1st Dam: Starfish (Ire) by Galileo (Ire)
2nd Dam: Silver Skates (Ire) by Slip Anchor (GB)
3rd Dam: Klarifi (GB) by Habitat
O: J Vasicek
B: Manister House Stud
T: Prendergast Kevin
J: Hayes C D
$171,120 Lifetime: 15-3-3-2, $463,162
2-- Lily's Angel (Ire), 131, m, 16, by Dark Angel (Ire)
1st Dam: Noyelles (Ire) by Docksider
2nd Dam: Bellarida (Fr) by Bellypha (Ire)
3rd Dam: Lerida (Fr) by Riverman
O: Clodagh Mitchell
B: N. and Mrs N. Nugent
T: Lyons G M
J: Carroll G F
$50,020 Lifetime: 25-10-4-3, $502,991
3-- Say (Ire), 126, f, 2025, by Galileo (Ire)
1st Dam: Riskaverse by Dynaformer
2nd Dam: The Bink by Seeking the Gold
3rd Dam: Toll Fee by Topsider
O: Derrick Smith & Mrs John Magnier & Micha
B: Smythson
J: Heffernan J A
$23,694 Lifetime: 11-2-3-2, $143,731

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