Black Type Race

FrontRunner S. - G1, $0, SA,

09/28/13, , 1 1/16m, 01:45.020, FT
Margins: 2 1/4, 2, 3/4 Odds: 10.9, 2.3, 3.8
1-- Bond Holder, 122, h, 14, by Mineshaft
1st Dam: Cielo Girl by Conquistador Cielo
2nd Dam: DIXIE BAND by Dixie Union
3rd Dam: Halley's Comeback by
O: Reddam Racing LLC
B: Lazy Lane Farms, LLC.
T: O'neill Doug
J: Gutierrez Mario
$150,000 Lifetime: 5-1-1-2, $186,000
2-- Dance With Fate, 122, h, 14, by Two Step Salsa
1st Dam: Flirting With Fate by Saint Ballado
2nd Dam: Biogio's Baby by Belong to Me
3rd Dam: Fois Gras by Barachois
O: Alesia, Sharon, Bran Jam Stable and Ciaglia Racing LLC
B: Best A Luck Farm LLC
T: Eurton Peter
J: Bejarano R
$50,000 Lifetime: 4-1-2-0, $155,250
3-- Tamarando, 122, h, 14, by Bertrando
1st Dam: Tamarack Bay by Dehere
2nd Dam: Gee Toto by Slew o' Gold
3rd Dam: Six Months Long by Northern Dancer
O: Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Larry D.
B: Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Williams
T: Hollendorfer Jerry
J: Leparoux Julien R
$30,000 Lifetime: 5-2-1-1, $273,120

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