Black Type Race

Kennedy Road S. - G2, $150,000, WO,

11/30/13, , 6f, 01:08.630, A, FT
Margins: HF, HD, 1HF Odds: 17.65, 4.85, 1.05
1-- Bear No Joke, 119, g, 17, by It's No Joke
1st Dam: Nithi by Wolf Power (SAf)
2nd Dam: Apachee Love (Ire) by Apalachee
3rd Dam: Collatteral by Jim J.
O: Bear Stables, Ltd.
B: James A. Everatt, Janeane A. Everatt &J. Arika Everatt-Meeuse
T: Baker Reade
J: Wilson Emma Jayne
$101,747 Lifetime: 17-6-5-1, $456,949
2-- Essence Hit Man, 121, g, 18, by Speightstown
1st Dam: El Prado Essence by El Prado (Ire)
2nd Dam: Quadrahope by Quadratic
3rd Dam: Hope She's Bold by Bold Forbes
O: A & G Racing Stable
B: A & G Cappuccitti
T: Cappuccitti Larry
J: Boulanger G
$33,916 Lifetime: 28-12-7-3, $1,388,247
3-- Phil's Dream, 124, g, 17, by Philanthropist
1st Dam: Dream a Dream (GB) by Emperor Jones
2nd Dam: Thornbury (Ire) by Tender King (Ire)
3rd Dam: Glastonbury (GB) by Grundy (Ire)
O: Buttigieg Training Centre
B: Paul Buttigieg
T: Buttigieg Paul M
J: Stein Justin
$16,958 Lifetime: 14-8-2-2, $571,639

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