Black Type Race

Markel Insurance Nassau S. - G1, £245,250, GWD,

08/03/13, , 1 1/4m, 02:06.190, T, GD
Margins: NK, 2, HF Odds: 20, 33, 5
1-- Winsili (GB), 123, h, 2025, by Dansili (GB)
1st Dam: Winter Sunrise (GB) by Pivotal (GB)
2nd Dam: Winter Solstice (GB) by Unfuwain
3rd Dam: Hunt the Sun (GB) by Rainbow Quest
O: Mr K. Abdullah
B: Juddmonte Farms Ltd.
T: Gosden John
J: Buick W
$173,388 Lifetime: 5-3-1-0, $229,829
2-- Thistle Bird (GB), , h, 17, by Selkirk
1st Dam: Dolma (Fr) by Marchand de Sable
2nd Dam: Young Manila by Manila
3rd Dam: Young Hostess (Fr) by Arctic Tern
O: Lady Rothschild
B: The Rt Hon Lord Rothschild
T: Charlton Roger
J: Doyle J
$65,735 Lifetime: 15-6-3-2, $280,716
3-- Hot Snap (GB), 123, f, 2025, by Pivotal (GB)
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Mr K. Abdullah
B: Juddmonte Farms Ltd.
$32,898 Lifetime: 4-2-0-1, $90,474

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