Black Type Race

Sky Bet Strensall S. - G3, £73,778, YRK,

08/23/13, , 1 1/8m, 01:51.750, T, GS
Margins: NK, 2 3/4, 1 3/4 Odds: 9, 8, 9
1-- City Style, 131, g, 2025, by City Zip
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Godolphin
B: Stonerside Stable
J: De Sousa S
$66,348 Lifetime: 26-8-4-4, $1,333,094
2-- Danadana (Ire), 135, h, 17, by Dubawi (Ire)
1st Dam: Zeeba (Ire) by Barathea (Ire)
2nd Dam: Donya (Ire) by Mill Reef
3rd Dam: Dunette (Fr) by
O: Sheikh Mohammed Obaid Al Maktoum
B: Darley
T: Cumani Luca
J: Atzeni A
$25,154 Lifetime: 14-5-2-1, $155,502
3-- Gabrial (Ire), 131, g, 16, by Dark Angel (Ire)
1st Dam: Guajira (Fr) by Mtoto (GB)
2nd Dam: Femme de Fer (Fr) by Iron Duke (Fr)
3rd Dam: Made To Win (Fr) by Dictus (Fr)
O: Dr Marwan Koukash
B: B. Kennedy
T: Fahey Richard
J: Lee G
$12,589 Lifetime: 17-4-2-6, $259,448

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