Black Type Race

Fair Grounds H. - G3, $0, FG,

02/22/14, , 1 1/8m, 01:50.520, T, GD
Margins: NO, 1, 2 Odds: 14.7, 14.9, 1.2
1-- Potomac River, 118, h, 16, by English Channel
1st Dam: Reba's Approval by With Approval
2nd Dam: Lovely Reba by Herat
3rd Dam: Trust Account by Bold Reason
O: Maribel Ruelas
B: Mereworth Farm
T: Camejo Jose M
J: Vargas Juan P
$90,000 Lifetime: 20-6-2-2, $322,676
2-- Skyring, 114, h, 16, by English Channel
1st Dam: Violet Lady by Seattle Slew
2nd Dam: Top Corsage by Topsider
3rd Dam: Corsage by Exchange Rate
O: Calumet Farm
B: Bluegrass Hall, LLC
T: Lukas D Wayne
J: Pedroza Marcelino
$30,000 Lifetime: 27-4-4-2, $479,061
3-- Daddy Nose Best, 123, h, 16, by Scat Daddy
1st Dam: Follow Your Bliss by Thunder Gulch
2nd Dam: Follow The Money by Pine Bluff
3rd Dam: Money Player by Marshua's Dancer
O: Zollars, Cathy and Bob
B: Patricia Ann Elia Trust
T: Asmussen Steven M
J: Napravnik Anna R
$15,000 Lifetime: 25-9-3-3, $957,303

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