Black Type Race

San Felipe S. - G2, $0, SA,

03/08/14, , 1 1/16m, 01:40.590, FT
Margins: 7 1/4, 6 1/4, 1HF Odds: 1.4, 2.1, 3.8
1-- California Chrome, 118, h, 14, by Lucky Pulpit
1st Dam: Love the Chase by Not for Love
2nd Dam: Chase It Down by Polish Numbers
3rd Dam: Chase The Dream by Sir Ivor
O: Coburn, Steven and Martin, Perry
B: Martin Perry & Steve Coburn
T: Sherman Art
J: Espinoza V
$180,000 Lifetime: 9-5-1-0, $534,850
2-- Midnight Hawk, 120, h, 14, by Midnight Lute
1st Dam: Miss Wineshine by Wolf Power (SAf)
2nd Dam: Miss Mississippi by Cormorant
3rd Dam: Wonderful Flight by Sunrise Flight
O: Hill 'n' Dale Equine Holdings, Inc. (J. G. Sikura), Kitchen, Pegram, et al
B: Michael E. Pegram
T: Baffert Bob
J: Smith M E
$60,000 Lifetime: 4-2-1-1, $171,000
3-- Kristo, 118, h, 14, by Distorted Humor
1st Dam: Capote's Crown by Capote
2nd Dam: Majesty's Crown by Magesterial
3rd Dam: Queen's Crown by King Emperor
O: Hronis Racing LLC
B: Whisper Hill Farm LLC
T: Sadler John W
J: Rosario Joel
$36,000 Lifetime: 5-1-3-1, $109,400

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