Black Type Race

Red Camelia S. $0, FG,

03/22/14, , 1 1/16m, 01:46.190, T, FM
Margins: 1 1/4, NK, 2 Odds: 1.3, 2.9, 8.5
1-- I Dazzle, 117, m, 17, by Hold That Tiger
1st Dam: Miss Cheers by Carson City
2nd Dam: Rise And Sing by The Minstrel
3rd Dam: Dawn Of Reason by Seattle Slew
O: The Farm on 4 LLC, Gasaway, Brent and Stidham, Michael
B: Terry Adcock
T: Stidham Michael
J: Albarado R J
$36,000 Lifetime: 22-6-2-5, $289,009
2-- Tensas Harbor, 122, m, 15, by Private Vow
1st Dam: Harbor Princess by Boston Harbor
2nd Dam: Steal The Thunder by Lyphard
3rd Dam: That's A Kennedy by Kennedy Road
O: Cantrell Family Partnership
B: Curt Leake
T: Desormeaux J Keith
J: Guidry M
$12,000 Lifetime: 16-5-5-1, $265,850
3-- Ladyzarbridge, 116, m, 18, by Zarbyev
1st Dam: Ballsbridge by Baldski
2nd Dam: London Bridge by Arch
3rd Dam: Kindness (GB) by Indian Ridge (Ire)
O: Zacney, Charles and Johnston, Edward
B: Foxwood Plantation, Ltd.
T: Johnston Edward J
J: Eramia Richard E
$6,600 Lifetime: 30-8-2-5, $437,714

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