Black Type Race

Prix de Diane Longines - G1, €1,000,000, CHY,

06/15/14, , 1 5/16m, 02:05.370, T, GD
Margins: 1, NK, HD Odds:
1-- Avenir Certain (Fr), 126, m, 14, by Le Havre (Ire)
1st Dam: Puggy (Ire) by Mark of Esteem (Ire)
2nd Dam: Jakarta (Ire) by Machiavellian
3rd Dam: Lunda (Ire) by Soviet Star
O: A.Caro/G.Augustin-Normand
B: Mme Elisabeth Vidal
J: Benoist G
$773,589 Lifetime: 5-5-0-0, $1,181,738
2-- Amour a Papa (Fr), 126, m, 14, by Montmartre (Fr)
1st Dam: Prudence Royale (Fr) by Loup Solitaire
2nd Dam: Royal Bride (Fr) by
3rd Dam: Blushing Bride (Fr) by Raisingelle
O: Jy Artu
B: 2 0s.N.C. Ste D'Entrainement Artu Jean-Y ves & 2mlle 9marie Artu & 2m. 1d
T: Artu Jy
J: Boudot P C
$309,490 Lifetime: 6-1-2-3, $373,740
3-- Xcellence (Fr), 126, m, 14, by Champs Elysees (GB)
1st Dam: Xanadu Bliss (Fr) by Xaar (GB)
2nd Dam: Marital Bliss (Fr) by Double Bed (Fr)
3rd Dam: Gai Lizza (Fr) by
O: M Schwartz
B: Haras D'Ecouves & Henri De Pracomtal
T: Doumen F
$154,745 Lifetime: 7-2-2-2, $331,963

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