Black Type Race

Royal Heroine S. - G2, $0, SA,

06/28/14, , 1m, 01:35.270, T.
Margins: NK, 2, HF Odds: 2.1, 4.4, 20.5
1-- Parranda, 121, m, 16, by English Channel
1st Dam: Dynamic Feature by Rahy
2nd Dam: Odylic by Dixieland Band
3rd Dam: Petite Diable by Sham
O: Campbell, G., Clark, D., Gatto Racing, LLC, Hollendorfer, J. and Skoda, G.
B: Kinsman Farm
T: Hollendorfer Jerry
J: Trujillo E
$120,000 Lifetime: 24-10-2-3, $668,655
2-- Kathleen Rose, 119, m, 15, by Good Journey
1st Dam: Cantina's Rose by Decarchy
2nd Dam: Cantina by Seattle Dancer
3rd Dam: Chick Or Two by Topsider
O: B and B Zietz Stables, Inc.
B: B&B Zietz Stables, Inc.
T: Machowsky Michael
J: Maldonado E
$40,000 Lifetime: 10-5-3-0, $271,540
3-- Moulin de Mougin, 119, h, 15, by Curlin
1st Dam: Cambiocorsa by Avenue of Flags
2nd Dam: Ultrafleet by Afleet
3rd Dam: Social Conduct by Vigors
O: Ran Jan Racing, Inc.
B: Ran Jan Racing, Inc.
T: Mandella Richard E
J: Smith M E
$24,000 Lifetime: 12-3-2-2, $162,910

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