Black Type Race

My Dear S. - L, $125,000, WO,

06/28/14, , 5f, 00:58.330, AW.
Margins: 3/4, 1HF, 3/4 Odds: 1, 1.95, 8.05
1-- Unhindered, 121, m, 13, by Stormy Atlantic
1st Dam: Sakura Song by Unbridled's Song
2nd Dam: Cherry Jubilee by Coastal
3rd Dam: Cherry Willow by Pia Star
O: Magers, Ron and Marcocchio, Bob
B: Betz, Nines Enough, Lamantia & Kidde
T: Biamonte Ralph J
J: Contreras Luis
$70,320 Lifetime: 2-2-0-0, $101,217
2-- Sweet Dreams, 121, m, 13, by Candy Ride (Arg)&timeframeBT=20000 #tot">Candy Ride (Arg)
1st Dam: Cat Charmer by Storm Cat
2nd Dam: Misconduct by Criminal Type
3rd Dam: Stick to Beauty by Illustrious
O: Menary, John and Cox, Gail
B: Courtlandt Farm
T: Cox Gail
J: Da Silva Eurico
$23,440 Lifetime: 2-1-1-0, $54,364
3-- Happy to Go, 121, m, 13, by Saint Anddan
1st Dam: Arctic Dove by Dove Hunt
2nd Dam: Arctic Moon by Raven's Pass
3rd Dam: Golden Sphinx by Storm Cat
O: Raul Bahena
B: Lynne Boutte
T: De la cerda Armando
J: Stein Justin
$12,892 Lifetime: 2-1-0-1, $34,492

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