Black Type Race

Zadracarta S. $100,000, WO,

06/29/14, , 7f, 01:21.000, T.
Margins: 1 1/4, NK, 3/4 Odds: 8.7, 1.4, 2.6
1-- Silent Treat, 119, m, 15, by Silent Name (Jpn)
1st Dam: Crumpet by Bold n' Flashy
2nd Dam: Tea 'N Thing by Brave Shot (GB)
3rd Dam: Bar Tea H. by Parade of Stars
O: Stablemates
B: Stablemates
T: Fairlie Scott H
J: Rainford Michelle
$56,256 Lifetime: 13-6-3-1, $308,891
2-- Why Katherine, 117, m, 16, by Whywhywhy
1st Dam: Include Katherine by Include
2nd Dam: Katherine Of Ascot by Ascot Knight
3rd Dam: Avens by Briartic
O: Terra Racing Stable
B: Dom Romeo
T: Attard Kevin
J: Sutherland C
$18,752 Lifetime: 19-4-6-2, $255,105
3-- Smartyfly, 119, m, 15, by Smart Strike
1st Dam: Scarlet Butterfly by Theatrical (Ire)
2nd Dam: Hummingbird Red by Red Ransom
3rd Dam: Dancing With Wings by Danzig
O: Sam-Son Farm
B: Sam-Son Farm
T: Pierce Malcolm
J: Da Silva Eurico
$10,314 Lifetime: 12-3-4-2, $407,878

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