Black Type Race

Arlington Sprint S. - L, $0, AP,

07/05/14, , 5 1/2f, 01:03.450, T.
Margins: 1, 1, NK Odds: 1.9, 2.9, 8.7
1-- Saint Leon, 118, g, 20, by Stravinsky
1st Dam: Ellejolet by Seattle Slew
2nd Dam: Dancing by Forli
3rd Dam: Banja Luka by Double Jay
O: Oak Rock Racing LLC
B: Six Winters Farm LLC
T: Boyce Michele
J: Baird E T
$43,650 Lifetime: 34-15-7-3, $370,122
2-- Positive Side, 118, g, 17, by Johar
1st Dam: Debora Ann by Belong to Me
2nd Dam: Appealing Storm by Valid Appeal
3rd Dam: Storm O' Fire by Storm Bird
O: Team Forster 131, LLC
B: John R. Penn & Bobby Keller
T: Forster Grant T
J: Esquivel Emmanuel
$14,550 Lifetime: 25-3-6-5, $197,097
3-- Anyriderill Do, 118, h, 15, by Street Hero
1st Dam: E Looe by Lure
2nd Dam: Star White by Naevus
3rd Dam: Flo White by Whitesburg
O: Lael Stables, Stroope, Ralph, Werner, Ronny W. and Green, Chris
B: Rose Hill Farm, Ralph Stroope &Don Stroope
T: Werner Ronny
J: Geroux Florent
$8,003 Lifetime: 9-2-0-3, $85,984

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