Black Type Race

Betfred TV Geoffrey Freer S. - G3, £59,022, NBY,

08/16/14, , 1 11/16m, 02:54.770, T, GS
Margins: NK, 1, NO Odds: 11, 7, 6
1-- Seismos (Ire), 130, g, 17, by Dalakhani (Ire)
1st Dam: Sasuela (Ger) by Dashing Blade (GB)
2nd Dam: Sacarina (GB) by Old Vic (GB)
3rd Dam: Brave Lass (GB) by
O: Australian Thoroughbred Bloodstock
B: Gestut Karlshof
T: Botti Marco
J: Harley M
$56,799 Lifetime: 24-7-3-2, $548,011
2-- Willing Foe, 130, h, 18, by Dynaformer
1st Dam: Thunder Kitten by Storm Cat
2nd Dam: Nastique by Naskra
3rd Dam: La Fantastique by Le Fabuleux
O: Godolphin
B: Stonerside Stable
T: 04bin Suroor Saeed
J: Doyle J
$21,534 Lifetime: 14-5-2-3, $360,779
1st Dam: Hannda by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Mr T. R. G. Vestey
B: T. R. G. Vestey
T: Fanshawe James
$10,777 Lifetime: 9-4-1-1, $560,350

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