Black Type Race

Rolling Green S. $0, GG,

09/01/14, , 1 1/16m, 01:43.540, T.
Margins: HD, 1 1/4, HD Odds: 10.6, 7.6, 14.5
1-- Pepper Crown, 122, h, 15, by Peppered Cat
1st Dam: Crown This Lady by Crowning Storm
2nd Dam: This Lord's a Lady by Lord Carson
3rd Dam: Local Star by Local Talent
O: Alexander A. Paszkeicz Living Trust
B: Alex Paszkeicz
T: Paszkeicz Alex
J: Cedillo Abel
$39,450 Lifetime: 14-6-3-2, $210,933
2-- Salah Champ, 122, g, 15, by Benchmark
1st Dam: Morell's Love by Cutlass Reality
2nd Dam: Paddy De Foie by The Irish Lord
3rd Dam: Lafayette's Lady by Young Commander
O: Hollendorfer, Janet, Schlaich, Mark and Todaro, George
B: Salah Said Al-Mudarris
T: Hollendorfer Jerry
J: Gonzalez Ricardo
$13,000 Lifetime: 22-8-7-2, $182,710
3-- Beast of Bourbon, 122, g, 15, by Kela
1st Dam: Smokin' Vigor by Smokester
2nd Dam: Elvahra by
3rd Dam: Pavahra (GB) by
O: Carpenter, Desimone, Kelly, McLean, Nunes and Peters
B: Epona Equine, LLC, John Mendenhall,Edwin Gredvig & Steve Bussjaeger
T: Mclean Bill
J: Gomez Alejandro
$6,000 Lifetime: 21-8-4-3, $173,440

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